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OP - ED Battle with the Big Apple

While Rice may not have lost as much as of its investments as other universi t ies, its endowment still took a hit dur ing the most recent recession. For fiscal year 2009, Rice incurred an 18.2-percent loss on the e n d o w m e n t ' s investment returns, worth about $838 million. The university also spent $215 million of the endowment , $55 million of which was recouped in endowment gifts, acc...

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OP - ED P . 3 Your environment

Following the lead of 500 other universities throughout the country, Rice will soon start using Gmail as the campus email provider for students. The switch to Gmail has been an ongoing project for the past two years, Manager of IT Technical Communications Carlyn Chatfield said. "We monitor what our students are asking for, what other institutions are doing, and we watch what 's going on in the ...

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OP - ED P . 3 Back to basics

R e a s o n s have b e g u n to t r ickle ou t why Rice Univers i ty a n d BCM fa i led to r each comm o n g r o u n d u n d e r the i r M e m o r a n d u m of Und e r s t a n d i n g last m o n t h . The two i n s t i t u t i o n s c e a s e d c o n s i d e r a t i o n s of a merger Jan. n , in a d v a n c e of t h e Jan. 31 d e a d l i n e set by t h e MOU. An e -ma i l no t i f i ed the Rice...

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M » ! . Op - Ed 4 4 Great Expectations await new students

Chemistry Professor John Hutchinson became Rice's second dean of £ undergraduates July l, the same day that former Dean of Undergraduates Robin Forman started work as dean of the College of Arts and Sciences at Emory University. Hutchinson was selected by a 17-member search committee headed J} by Interim Dean of Humanities Allen Matusow. The committee included two undergraduates and one graduat...

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عنوان ژورنال: Against the Grain

سال: 1996

ISSN: 2380-176X

DOI: 10.7771/2380-176x.2015